Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sarah and the Geese
Pigeon Handling
"He who takes pity on a sparrow and spares his life, Allah (God) will be merciful to him on the day of judgement. Do you not see how Allah is praised by those in heaven and earth? The very birds praise Him as they wing their flight"- The Koran (24.36):
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Marketing Design
Take Wrigley's 5 Gum for instance. I, too, fell prey to the clever packaging. It's about the size of a carton of cigarettes, and done in black with a different brilliant color for each flavor. Here is my flavor choice, cobalt.
Since anyone can get free condoms at any Planned Parenthood and various other locations, I guess the condom industry has had to step up to the marketing design plate. Meet ONE, the condom that comes in a shiny tin (aka sleek metal case with a plastic hinged back for easy dispensing!)
Even the individually wrapped condoms have a design--a graphic illustration, along with a witty sound byte...See samples HERE
And look-- you too can design a condom! (AKA be the "Rembrandt of Rubber, the Leonardo of Latex, the Picasso of Prophylactics")
What WILL they think of next?
Why, clever instructions that are still informative of course!
Methods's airfreshner (aka pluggable aroma pill) maintains a witty sense of humour whilst instructing users in its preparation (italics are mine added to the parts i found particularly apropos):
1. Holding fragrance bottle upright, remove cap. Do not remove wick. It's pretty important.
2. Keeping fragrance bottle upright, insert into bottom of aroma pill.
3. Rotate bottle clockwise until tight. You know, righty-tighty.
Rotate plug of aroma pill to accomodate vertical or horizontal wall outlet. Insert aroma pill into wall outlet with glass bottle pointing down. Do not turn sideways or else fragrance oil will spill. Gravity is mean like that.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Reading at MWFA Gallery
My Poetry Workshop had their end of term reading in conjunction with the Non-Fiction workshop at the Most Wanted Fine Art Gallery in Garfield. My friends Rachel and Vijay came out to show their support.
I just absentmindedly drew
an angry clown smoking
a stogie. Read that
Rorschach inkblot.
You used to draw
a clown for me on paper placemats.
I remember some of the parts
looked like sausage links or balloons,
but I can’t remember the order.
I want chocolate milk with a bendy straw
and blueberry pancakes from Pappan’s Restaurant.
There’s a Wendy’s now where Pappan’s used to be.
I want to call and ask you if you think Stabler and Olivia
should hook up on Law and Order: SVU
and how do you spell Mariska’s last name?
It is hard to remember again and again
that you have died.
Hargitay sounds like hard to say.
What was that song you sang
to me that went paddy raddy bumsteay?
I’m trying to say I don’t want
even my memories
to die.
Monday, December 10, 2007
More Photos from Jalsah VI
The view at one point from the stage. The crowd got even larger than this, then dwindled down to a few stalwart souls lounging on the pillows. Phat Man Dee may have invented horizontal karaoke....
Carmine took a break from the Oud for the doumbek to accompany Jeff on the sitar.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I ATTENDED JALSAH 6 PITTSBURGH at Your Inner Vagabond in Lawrenceville. Nancy played her clarinet, and I played middle eastern beats with a bodhran! It was fantabulous. My arm is toooo sore from playing my drum to say much more. But thanks CARMINE, MELISSA, MARK, BETH, and everyone else for a great night and for letting me jam with you. Here are some pics I took, more later.
Snowy Walk
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Morning Walk in Allegheny Commons
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Geçmiş Olsun
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Gray Skies of Pittsburgh
Monday, November 12, 2007
Letter Writing
I went to a letter writing event at Beleza Community Coffeehouse in the North Side (mex war streets part) of Pittsburgh on Sunday afternoon. I didn't write any super long letters, but I did make this card for my friend Sarah. I hope she'll like it!
Finally, as a bonus for reading all of these posts tonight (ha, I'm in da zone or something) here is an interesting and related link to how a letter took 64 years to be delivered:
Japanese Soldier's Postcard Reaches Friend After 64 Years - Yahoo! News
What's an Adventure Without Friends?
Good thing they were there too, they picked me up when I fell down:
And they humoured my love of trees:
Here are two pictures that Rachel took-- I think she has a good eye for photo composition, don't you?:
Where does this road go?
Onto other places to explore:
More Steps
Here is a staircase. I *think* I took this in the South Side Slopes, but I can't remember *for sure*...
I mentioned a book about Pittsburgh steps before, and here are some quick facts from it:
Step by step
Some facts about Pittsburgh’s steps:
Number of staircases: 737
Total number of steps: 44,770
Total number of feet: 24,176, or about 4.5 miles
Number of staircases that are legal “paper” streets: 334
Number of staircases with more than 300 steps: 5
Number of staircases with fewer than 25 steps: 189
Number of wooden staircases: 80
Number of brick steps: 1
Neighborhoods with the most staircases: South Side, 70; Beechview, 39
Number of neighborhoods with no staircases: 24
Decades in which most staircases were built: 1940s, 204; 1950s, 137
Longest staircase no longer in existence: Indian Trail steps, more than 1,000 wooden steps up Mt. Washington from Carson Street to the intersection of Shaler Street and Grandview Avenue, Duquesne Heights
For more information about Pittsburgh’s steps, visit:
Source: Bob Regan, author of “The Steps of Pittsburgh: Portrait of a City”
South Side Slopes Photos 1
There are still too many photos to post from my adventure in the South Side Slopes, but here are a few more. From a quick google search, I'm pretty sure this was at the South Side Park. The Getting Outdoors Website says it's:
reached from Quarry Street (18th Street to St. Patrick to Quarry). The park features 65 acres of ballfields, walking trails, a playground, and a former ice arena. South Side Local Development Company and South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association recently convened a task force to plan park improvements.