Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Yesterday evening, I had the opportunity to attend a Drue Heinz lecture featuring writer Jhumpa Lahiri. Lahiri has written a Pullitzer-prize-winning collection of short stories, Interpreter of Maladies, and a novel, Namesake. It was really great to hear her talk- my impressions of her were as a humble, down-to-earth, extremely talented, genuine woman. I enjoyed hearing her speak of how, for her, the act of writing creatively developed naturally from her love of reading. I was also able to sign a book for me. She was an amazing trooper, sitting there and signing for every single person who desired her signature.

Anyways, I got to thinking, if I become a famous writer, what will my readings be like? Here's an idea of what I have in mind:

(this was generated using: http://atom.smasher.org)


Monday, November 20, 2006

A 'Blog About Sawdust?

ex·cel·si·or (k-sls-r) n.

Slender, curved wood shavings used especially for packing.

"excelsior." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 20 Nov. 2006. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/excelsior>

Why are you naming your 'blog after wood shavings? Well, I would like to say that it is because I believe there is poetry in everything, in looking at the world a little differently than most, of paying attention, of observation, the beauty in the slender curvy wood shavings.

Actually, though, it's not nearly as creative as all that. I mean the Latin excelsior (ever upward), which Stan "the man" Lee signed off of all his "Stan's Soapboxes" in Marvel Comics. So, true believers, stay tuned, and......... EXCELSIOR!!